Social Media Tips for the Marketer

In todays society you cannot think about the internet without thinking of social media. Social media consumes internet users, therefore naturally marketers hold social media as a priority. With the assumption that social media must be a platform for marketers comes lots of competition to gain the attention of the consumers. Marketers not only research and gain knowledge to come up with the perfect marketing strategy but they do this for each different social media platform. Each social media platform has techniques and information that marketers need to know to be successful on each specific social media.


Starting with Facebook, it is easy to see how Facebook is the biggest platform for social media marketing. Although Facebook was not the first source of social media it is the base site that all other social medias compare themselves to. The article titled 8 Ways to Effectively Manage Your Facebook Marketing  does not teach how to create marketing on Facebook, most people know how to do this, but does a good job of describing how to manage.

The first bit of advice that this apical gives is to keep track of notifications and manage each account that may be connected. Keeping up to date and current takes a commitment. When commenting on a post make sure to find the arrow on the right side of the text box to select which user will be responsible for the comment. A good idea to me would be to take a Facebook page for a brand or business a little more serious before posting. Everything needs to be reviewed and kept up to date. The article writes about the admins to the page and the importance of keeping the page secure by selecting the right people to have control.

Facebook has a save feature that I did not know about and could be good for a marketer who wants to save another post and share it at the right time. There is a simple option on the top right corner of each post.

Post can even be saved and then scheduled to post at a specific time. This help with marketing consistency so they brand is staying current and up to date. With help in making a quality post, now the marketer needs to look at the data in which the consumer provides. Facebook gives some stats but marketers should realize this data is not limited. They can export that data to their computer in order to see how the consumer interacts with their page more in depth.


Second I will review Twitter through the article called Twitter Quality Score for Ads: What Marketers Need to Know. I don’t use Twitter much anymore therefore I am disengaged with how popular it actually is. As I have read more about it I can see that quality posts on Twitter are limited. The quality score for ads on Twitter displays ads based on these rankings. This article shows what content to post on twitter in order to have a better quality score. Twitter also rewards quality ads by not only displaying them in the best spots but also by decreasing the price per a click. 60% of engagement is one cent, 36% cost the business two cents, and continues to become more expensive the less engaging the ad. For example an ad that is around 7% engagement cost the business 8 cents per engagement.

The article then tells how to just raise the quality score so the ad is not costing more money to the marketer. First, tweet up today and current material. This means tweeting more often because old material becomes less popular over time. Next the user can promote tweets that did well without being promoted. It does cost more money to promote but the engagement will be high making clicks less expensive. Last, it is actually better to target an audience for an add. You can do this on Twitter through key words, devices, and regional satuse. Find what works best and really engage those specific people. The more relevant, the more engaging, and the cheaper the marketing becomes.


Google + needs a little more promotion because it is not as widely used as other social media. In the Forbes article titled Why Every Marketer Should Use Google Plus, it explains just that. The article sates that only a fourth of the amount of users use Google plus in comparison to Facebook, why put in the effort? The first tip to marketers is that, although when compared with Facebook the user number may seem small, the site does still have a good amount of followers. In fact Google has more then Instagrame, Pinterest, and Linked in.


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